Enough is Enough!!
It takes a month for me to update this blog. Actually there is a lot of things happened in this few weeks. Things that i never thought that can happened to me before.It was tough and its getting tougher and tougher each when u need to live with all those memories and experienced.
Anyway, i need to be a very tough person where have to face all this thing. LIFE GOES ON NO MATTER WHAT HAD HAPPENED!
One of my friend ask me to update this blog. Actually i dont have much ideas to write in here. Eventhough i have, i think its kind of personal. But as her wish i will write here as much as i can.
After all the things happened (refer to previous posting), i moved out from Kuala Lumpur, staying somewhere in Selangor. Accept a new job offer and change my mobile no. And i do change my style of life. I life with a new confidence, new lifestyle and new surrounding friends. I do still contact my old friends. I hope i can forget the past eventhough i know its possible when memories remains.
Sebenarnya, rasa macam sepi dan sunyi sangat dengan kehidupan baru ni. Kesunyian yang kadang2 sampai aku rasa blur sangat kat umah. Nasib baik my housemate very friendly and keep me smiling.
Ntah apa la aku tulis ni macam kelam kabut jer. Hidup aku ni kelam kabut lagi. Jiwa belum tenang sepenuhnya. Masih berasa dendam pada orang yang telah memporak perandakan hidup aku. Housemate aku nasihatkan aku supaya jangan berdendam kerana dendam hanya akan menyusahkan hati dan menyemakkan kepala. Hati tak akan tenteram dengan dendam.Aku pun cuba ikut nasihat nya dengan cuba memaafkan walaupun dalam hati aku terasa amat susah untuk memaafkan orang yang telah memporak peranda idup aku ni.
My ex yang kena forces married ni pun asyik dok call aku. Aku dah cakap ngan dia, enough is enough la since dia dah kawin. I want disturb husband orang walaupun aku tahu dia sayangkan aku macam gila babas. Have told me that he even can be with his wife sebab terbayang muka aku. What the hell!!?? i dont to carry this kind of sin in my life. I do nothing to him sampai dia sayang macm tu. Enough is enough!!!
My BOMOH things has cured tapi entahlah hati dan jiwa jadi tak tenteram. Sekalipun tak pernah aku dapat tido awak selepas kejadian tu.Susah la....
okayla... aku nak chow dulu... esok keje ... anything do email me dekat ArizaFazilla.Ariffin@my.tesco.com
Love u all!!!
Anyway, i need to be a very tough person where have to face all this thing. LIFE GOES ON NO MATTER WHAT HAD HAPPENED!
One of my friend ask me to update this blog. Actually i dont have much ideas to write in here. Eventhough i have, i think its kind of personal. But as her wish i will write here as much as i can.
After all the things happened (refer to previous posting), i moved out from Kuala Lumpur, staying somewhere in Selangor. Accept a new job offer and change my mobile no. And i do change my style of life. I life with a new confidence, new lifestyle and new surrounding friends. I do still contact my old friends. I hope i can forget the past eventhough i know its possible when memories remains.
Sebenarnya, rasa macam sepi dan sunyi sangat dengan kehidupan baru ni. Kesunyian yang kadang2 sampai aku rasa blur sangat kat umah. Nasib baik my housemate very friendly and keep me smiling.
Ntah apa la aku tulis ni macam kelam kabut jer. Hidup aku ni kelam kabut lagi. Jiwa belum tenang sepenuhnya. Masih berasa dendam pada orang yang telah memporak perandakan hidup aku. Housemate aku nasihatkan aku supaya jangan berdendam kerana dendam hanya akan menyusahkan hati dan menyemakkan kepala. Hati tak akan tenteram dengan dendam.Aku pun cuba ikut nasihat nya dengan cuba memaafkan walaupun dalam hati aku terasa amat susah untuk memaafkan orang yang telah memporak peranda idup aku ni.
My ex yang kena forces married ni pun asyik dok call aku. Aku dah cakap ngan dia, enough is enough la since dia dah kawin. I want disturb husband orang walaupun aku tahu dia sayangkan aku macam gila babas. Have told me that he even can be with his wife sebab terbayang muka aku. What the hell!!?? i dont to carry this kind of sin in my life. I do nothing to him sampai dia sayang macm tu. Enough is enough!!!
My BOMOH things has cured tapi entahlah hati dan jiwa jadi tak tenteram. Sekalipun tak pernah aku dapat tido awak selepas kejadian tu.Susah la....
okayla... aku nak chow dulu... esok keje ... anything do email me dekat ArizaFazilla.Ariffin@my.tesco.com
Love u all!!!
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