Idaman Kalbu~~
Sekian waktu aku rasa kesunyian yang amat sangat dan sejak seminggu yang lepas suddenly i have the feeling yang dah lama i tak rasa. Feeling that u truely needed someone!! I have never had this kind of feeling almost 4 years. But it always happened when u do really loves someone and there is obtacles that can stop u. Thats what happened to me and the obtacles make me thinking. I do love him and he do loves me but the obtacles make us stronger i guess. I believe in true loves and i hope this true loves will last forever..
I do tell this story to my friends... and some of them do question me why did i so dare to take the challenge. I had no answer but what i can say just i do believe in my feeling. Kata orang melayu... kalau berani berumah di tepi pantai mesti berani ambil risiko untuk dilambung ombak. And thats what i do now....
Kekadang i just realize that my age doesnt allowed me to take this kind of challenge coz i dont have that much time to wait anymore. Tapi i do care about my heart feels and what i need. Kalau i just choose secara rawak nanti takut tak sesuai kemudian hari. Just take the challenge and do my best.
Semalam aku jumpa dia. Hanging around together. Kekadang aku kesian tengok dia, bila dia tengok aku, dia terus mengeluh. Pastu dia akan cakap "Aduii susah tul nak selesai masalah ni!" He do appreciate me and do love me. He didnt say that he do loves me coz of his problem but i do know that from his eyes and the way he stare at me.
"Feeda... aku cuma cerita kat ko sorang jer complete story of this..." Ngkau tau kan dia punya planning camana!! Tapi i just can accept the planning ... Ngako tau kan planning tu!! Dia taknak kecikkan hati parents dia dan taknak tinggalkan aku sebenarnya!! Tapi... ermsss ..... ntah!! "
SOmetimes when hanging around with me, he just stare at me and say nothing! I know from his eyes there is a lot of things to share with me but he just dont want to hurt my feels. Honey!! please listen to me!! I dont want u to have a problem with ure family and i want u to make ure decision. Dont feels bad about it. I am strong enough to handle all kind of this things!
Two days ago, he did mentioned to me that he want to follow me to Penang and meet my family. He want to get know my family. And i do realize that he feels something about being with me.And loves to know that.
Feeda.. as i told u.. i do respect him coz of his attitude. His humble and never try to take advantage on me. And he really nice guy. Hahah!! This feeling make me sick la kawan!! I dont know until when i can keep this inside but i will and hoping that one day the happiness will be mine. Feeda, do pray for me kay and wish me luck!!
Feeda... sebagai kawan aku nak tanya sikit... Apa pendapat ko pasal ni!! Cuba ko cerita and advise me from the deep of ure heart. I need sincere friend to talk about this.. I hope its u and i hope to hear from u ...!!??
Kunci hatiku terbuka lagi!!
part 1:
ilang idea aku! ampess
part 2:
baru nak gelakkan kat ang. ampess!!
part 3:
ada pen drive? pinjam kat aku. so aku leh type panjang lebaq kat ang! la ni takleh type sebab aku nak p buang sampah. harap maklum. nanti sambuang len kali. aku paham situation hang.
part tree,
nanti sambung lagi!
(pantun tuh!)
jgn marah,
yang benaq,
part THREE,
nanti sambung lagi!
(salah eja-nak cepat)
apa la ang ni... aku mai cyber cafe ni.. punya la nak baca ang tulis apa!! tak dan nak baca ari tuh!! ekekke...
aku pun tak paham.. kadang2 aku kesian ngan dia ang tau dak!
dia sayang aku, aku sayang dia tapi dia tatau nak buat macam mana nak settle masalah dia!! here from "heartbeat"
i know exactly how u feel...i've been there...might as well gonna go thru it again... :(
ezryn... what do u do when u r in this kind of situation. i've been there before but u know la!!! its make me feel like ... dont know how to say it!
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