Saturday, December 16, 2006

When The Heart Is Tired and Feel Hopeless!!

Tired and hopeless...

Tired. letih. penat, yer hati kita seringkali penat dan letih bila menerima dugaan yang sesama berulang kali. Dan bila hati menjadi penat dan letih.. hati tiada semangat dan bila semangat hilang ia akan jadi hopeless...
Bukan hopeless in my career.. because i love my job so much right now. But i was tired and become hopeless in having a new love relation... I still have my trust in love but i have tired of being frustrated. Now stop searching for it and just wait for it come for me... Its that easy.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

no TiTle

yersterday was to learn and tomorrow will be the consequence of what i can do today. Today is the last opportunity i have to live intensely, as no one can assure me that i will see tomorrow's sunrise. Today i will be brave enough not to let any opportunity pass me by, my only alternative is to succeed. Today i will invest my most valuable resource, my time in the most transcendental work, my life, i will spend each minute passionately to make of today a different and unique day in my life. Today i will resist pessimism and will conquer the world with a smile, with the positive attittude of expecting always the best.

today i will make of every ordinary task as subline expression. Today i will have my feet on the ground understanding reality and the stars gaze to invent my future. Today i will take the time to be happy and will leave my footprints and my presence in th hearts of others. Today i invote you to begin a new season where we can dream that everything we undertake is possible and we fulfill it with joy and dignity....

Friday, December 01, 2006

Semenjak dua menjak ni aku tak tahu kenapa kadang2 aku jadi sayu. Hati dan perasaan jadi saya tanpa reason yang munasabah. Macam dah takder benda lagi yang boleh buat aku happy macam dulu. Kadang aku pujuk diri sendiri. Dan selalu bertanya dengan diri kenapa aku menangis tapi jawapan tetap tidak aku jumpa. Betul2 buntu..

Mungkin kerana kesunyian... Mungkin kerana dah bosan dengan perjalanan hidup aku yang tak pernah lalui jalan yang lurus... Ada jer dugaan dan halangan yang ada.